Hailey See

Hailey See

Seattle, WA



Job Postings

{This internship is paid on commission that would equate to between $10 - $30 per hour.}

As a field videographer, you will work on a team with a local journalist. Typically you would travel together to construction job sites and meet with construction business owners to interview them. During COVID-19, each journalist team will follow the social distancing guidance of the State in which they are working and perform remote video conference interviews. You will record both audio and video during each interview. Post-production will include coordinating final content with the journalist so they can write a blog. Together, you will submit your written and video interview for publication on Quality-Trades.com and Construction Business TV.



A professional self-presentation

Reliable transportation

(minimum) smartphone with a high-quality camera

(preferred) 4K video camera

Post-production computer with reliable internet

(preferred) Adobe Premiere Pro

A good social media reputation

Good Health & Some-what Athletic (due to physical requirements)

Examples of professional video production

Posted in: Internship | 0 comments
Journalism Videographer - Paid Internship - San Diego, CA

{This internship is paid on commission that would equate to between $10 - $30 per hour.}

As a field videographer, you will work on a team with a local journalist. Typically you would travel together to construction job sites and meet with construction business owners to interview them. During COVID-19, each journalist team will follow the social distancing guidance of the State in which they are working and perform remote video conference interviews. You will record both audio and video during each interview. Post-production will include coordinating final content with the journalist so they can write a blog. Together, you will submit your written and video interview for publication on Quality-Trades.com and Construction Business TV.



A professional self-presentation

Reliable transportation

(minimum) smartphone with a high-quality camera

(preferred) 4K video camera

Post-production computer with reliable internet

(preferred) Adobe Premiere Pro

A good social media reputation

Good Health & Some-what Athletic (due to physical requirements)

Examples of professional video production

Posted in: Internship | 0 comments

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